"Grand Theft Auto V" will getting a popular graphic enhancer mod to improve the look and feel of the game. Information has just been released "Grand Theft Auto V" will soon be getting iCEnhancer, a well-received modification that will change the game's Since launching on PC, Grand Theft Auto 5 has had some amazing modifications that allow players to stretch the limits of the game. Clever developers have tweaked the game so that humpback whales rain down on the motorway and now a new modification means Rockstar has announced that Grand Theft Auto 5's currently PC-only Rockstar Editor feature is coming to PS4 and Xbox One after all. The powerful editing tool, which permits players to put together movie-like gameplay clips of their time in San Andreas In our second to last in-depth evaluation into Grand Theft Auto V on the PC we dive into each feature and find out how demanding each feature truly is. We look at FXAA, MSAA, Reflection MSAA, TXAA, as well as Tessellation, Grass, and Extended Distance You know that scene in North by North West where Cary Grant is chased by a Plane? Well, imagine that, but you are in a Monster Truck, there are thirty planes and some of them are shooting missiles at you. Now that Grand Theft Auto 5 is on the PC, players are cooking up countless gameplay mods. Some are better than others, but this one is so mic-droppingly good, it may be impossible to top. In a nutshell, it makes it so that the guns in the game .
I bought “Grand Theft Auto V” the day it launched in 2013. Who didn't? People had been waiting years since the critically acclaimed “Grand Theft Auto IV” came out to get another taste of Rockstar Games' gorgeous worlds, sandbox gameplay and shifty Now, Grand Theft Auto 5 is getting its own version of the iCEnhancer mod, as you can see on its official Facebook page. Two pre-alpha videos of the mod in progress, plus a Facebook post, detail some early effects, including improved water reflection Planet Andreas sends you on an unforgettable journey into the wildwith the Lion of the Mountain. Be one with nature in this Grand Theft Auto V Documentary, produced by GameSpot's Robert Handlery. Ever since Grand Theft Auto V launched on PC last month, there’s been one persistent question: Is modding okay? After all, the ability to tweak the game is the primary reason most people held out for a PC version, and even without official mod tools we .