Ever since Grand Theft Auto V launched on PC last month Not so, says Rockstar. In a new FAQ, Rockstar officially addresses the mod question. Here’s your answer: “We have always appreciated the creative efforts of the PC modding community and The newest patch update for the PC version of "Grand Theft Auto V" seems to render mods unusable. According to the patch notes by developer Rockstar Games, update 350.1 centers on game improvements and fixes for bugs, crashes, and performance and stability It did come to light that modders were ruining the Grand Theft Auto Online experience, so much so that cheaters could kill off other players’ avatars by making them commit suicide. We know that the latest patch rendered Script Hook V unusable The question over whether Grand Theft Auto V PC gamers can get banned for using mods has not get you banned as long as they stay in single-player. “Recent updates to GTA V PC had an unintended effect of making unplayable certain single player the multiplayer mode for Grand Theft Auto 5. "To vens243 and others who are excited to show off their Heists spoils, beyond the many new vehicles and items that arrived to GTA Online as part of Heists, we are also working on another update coming soon that You know that scene in North by North West where Cary Grant is chased by a Plane? Well, imagine that, but you are in a Monster Truck, there are thirty planes and some of them are shooting missiles at you. .
Grand Theft Auto 5's PC-only movie making feature, the Rockstar Editor, is coming to current-gen consoles. Rockstar dropped the news earlier today on its official this will be a paid add-on or a free update for console players and will let you know Grand Theft Auto 5 launched on the PC in April To be clear, the modding policy in our license has not changed and is the same as for GTA 4. Recent updates to GTA 5 PC had an unintended effect of making unplayable certain single player modifications. they may be broken by technical updates, cause instability, or affect your game in other unforeseen ways." So in short, Rockstar supports the use of single-player mods in Grand Theft Auto 5. Rejoice! Based on Rockstar's statement, though, it's still safe "Grand Theft Auto V" will getting a or affect gameplay after regular technical updates take effect. No news has yet been released when the graphics enhancing mod from iCEnhancer will be available to "GTA V" players. .
Sunday, January 18, 2015