Grand Theft Auto 5's in-game video editing tool, the Rockstar Editor, should launch on PS4 and Xbox One this summer, Rockstar Games has announced in a new Newswire Q&A. The editing tool will not make its way to PS3 or Xbox 360. "The Rockstar Editor is an “Grand Theft Auto V” was an instant success, shattering six world records. Everyone was playing it. Then, not long after the launch of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Rockstar announced their blockbuster—originally released for the PlayStation 3 and Jakarta - Kabar gembira bagi gamer Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V di PlayStation 4 dan Xbox One. Dalam pengumuman terbaru, sang pembesut Rockstar memaparkan jika fitur Rockstar Editor yang notabene hanya ada di versi PC dalam waktu dekat akan dihadirkan di kedua Uma das melhores novidades da versão PC de Grand Theft Auto V foi a introdução de um editor de vídeos, que permite aos jogadores criarem as suas pequenas histórias utilizando vários acessórios e personagens do jogo. A Rockstar revelou agora que o Rockstar has revealed that it will be bringing a possible new weapon, new vehicle and other “very cool new toys” to Grand Theft Auto 5 in a forthcoming update s video editor to Xbox One and PS4 along with The Lab radio station to all consoles. Rockstar has announced that Grand Theft Auto 5's currently PC-only Rockstar Editor feature is coming to PS4 and Xbox One after all. The powerful editing tool, which permits players to put together movie-like gameplay clips of their time in San Andreas .
iCEnhancer, the hugely popular PC graphical enhancement mod for GTA IV is coming to GTA V. Get the whole scoop at GameSpot: www.gamespot.com/articles/gta-5-getting-graphics-enhancing-mod/1100-6427230/ Visit all of our channels: Features & Reviews Grand Theft Auto 5 is currently available for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Those that would like to mess around with the game’s mods will have to pick up the PC version. If you want further proof that Grand Theft Auto V on PC is the definitive edition, then look no further than the 'Car Gun', a spectacular modification which takes gaming silliness to new heights. By modifying elements of the game itself, enthusiastic After a seemingly long wait that followed its releases on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, Grand Theft Auto 5 finally made its way to the PC. One would think that, after already being out on two generations of consoles, people would’ve had their fill .