Download it here. Angry Planes by user onsby lets you spawn a ton of airplanes and make them all hate you. This is the Pedestrian Riot mod for aircrafts. Try to do battle on land, or hop into a plane yourself and turn Grand Theft Auto 5 into a really There are hundreds of different mods already available for Grand Theft Auto V, but we think we may have found the most terrifying one yet: Angry Planes. In the Angry Planes mod, jets and other planes will fly at you, attempting to kamikaze directly onto you. You know that scene in North by North West where Cary Grant is chased by a Plane? Well, imagine that, but you are in a Monster Truck, there are thirty planes and some of them are shooting missiles at you. You don’t have to live with the Grand Theft Auto V that Rockstar made for you Hitting the F5 key turns on Angry Planes, and this immediately causes dozens of airborne vehicles to aim all of their artillery directly at you. This includes missiles It’s been a long wait for the PC faithful, but now that Grand Theft Auto V is finally out for our favourite game machine, months after game consoles, I have to say it’s really worth the wait. For the enhanced graphics, for sure. Loving Los Santos People scrambling for their lives and of course that first-person perspective – it’s Grand Theft Auto V, all different and gorgeous for the PC. The game has finally come home. For most of you gamers out there, the PC version of GTA V will not be your .
Get the whole scoop at GameSpot: www.gamespot.com/articles/gta-5-getting-graphics-enhancing-mod/1100-6427230/ Visit all of our channels: Features & Reviews - www.youtube.com/user/gamespot Gameplay & Guides - www.youtube.com/user This is Part 2 of our full evaluation of Grand Theft Auto V's video card gaming performance. In this part we dive into NVIDIA SLI and AMD CrossFire highest playable gameplay settings and apples-to-apples at 1440p and 4K resolutions. We find out just what Rockstar has seemingly been laying down the banhammer on Grand Theft Auto V players with its reviews changing from “Very Positive” to “Mostly Positive.” Considering the amount of players posting these angry critiques, it seems like only That impressive success for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V apparently continues as, less than a month in after its release, it has now hit 2 million copies sold. The numbers, as before, are not quite official- our source for this news is Steamspy .