Rockstar has revealed that it will be bringing a possible new weapon, new vehicle and other “very cool new toys” to Grand Theft Auto 5 in a forthcoming update you shouldn’t hold your breath for any new Heists. “For those asking for more In today’s Grand Theft Auto 5-related Q&A hosted by the Rockstar News Wire, Rockstar revealed that players won’t be banned for using single-player mods. In addition to this news, which we reported on earlier, GTA Online will not be seeing any new Some of the features currently exclusive to the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V are headed to consoles the consoles allow at this time," Rockstar explained. GTA Online's heists are a great way to make cash, but some players have found themselves Get the whole scoop at GameSpot: www.gamespot.com/articles/gta-5-getting-graphics-enhancing-mod/1100-6427230/ Visit all of our channels: Features & Reviews - www.youtube.com/user/gamespot Gameplay & Guides - www.youtube.com/user Rockstar Games confirms that Grand Theft Auto 5 players across long awaited online heists that went live in March. Since then, the stream of updates has stopped, primarily because Rockstar focused on the PC release of GTA 5, and on the special updates This is Part 2 of our full evaluation of Grand Theft Auto V's video card gaming performance. In this part we dive into NVIDIA SLI and AMD CrossFire highest playable gameplay settings and apples-to-apples at 1440p and 4K resolutions. We find out just what .
And finally, more content to spend your ill-gotten GTA$ on will also be coming to Grand Theft Auto: Online, although additional GTA Online Heists aren't currently on the cards. You can check out the Rockstar Editor for GTA 5 in the video below. However, Rockstar recently said that it is not ready with any new Heists updates. It said, "For those asking for more Heists, please understand that Grand Theft Auto Online Program FilesRockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto V" without the quotes in the I bought “Grand Theft Auto V” the day it launched in 2013 but it's fun to hang out with friends or a crew and do missions together. Oh, and heists. Heists are finally in “Grand Theft Auto Online,” and they're even more fun than I expected. That impressive success for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V apparently continues as, less than a month in after its release, it has now hit 2 million copies sold. The numbers, as before, are not quite official- our source for this news is Steamspy .