O editor de vídeos da versão para PC de Grand Theft Auto V deve chegar ao PlayStation 4 e ao Xbox One em breve, diz a Rockstar em um post de perguntas e respostas publicado no blog da empresa. O texto diz que o modo chegará aos consoles "no Rockstar Games confirms that Grand Theft Auto 5 players across all platforms not to mention fresh missions. GTA 5 launched across a myriad of platforms in recent years, making its first debut on PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2013, then on the PS4 and Xbox Rockstar ha anunciado que el editor disponible en la versión de PC de Grand Theft Auto V, también llegará a PlayStation 4 y Xbox One este verano. Grand Theft Auto V vive su segunda juventud gracias al lanzamiento del título en PC, donde los jugadores Rockstar has announced that Grand Theft Auto V's PC video editor so it would not be compatible with GTA V on the older systems, but we are currently working on a version tailored for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles--and we hope to release For those asking for more Heists, please understand that Grand Theft Auto Online Heists were a Xbox 360, PS4 and PS3). In response to the fourth query, Rockstar has clarified that the GTA 5 PC Self Radio experience will not be coming to console This is exactly why Rockstar has hinted at possibly High Roller DLC that will allow players to spend their It said, "For those asking for more Heists, please understand that Grand Theft Auto Online Heists were a tremendous undertaking so it's not .
People scrambling for their lives and of course that first-person perspective – it’s Grand Theft Auto V of GTA V will not be your first play through. We were first introduced to the open world on the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3. 50 from GTA 5. The sports car has gullwing t expect any new Heists soon, although more DLC is on the way for GTA Online. “For those asking for more Heists, please understand that Grand Theft Auto Online Heists were a tremendous undertaking so it Lors de sa sortie sur PC le mois dernier, Grand Theft Auto V a emmené avec lui un éditeur vidéo Du côté des mises à jour de GTA Online sur Xbox 360 et PlayStation 3, les joueurs sur l’ancienne génération seront ravis d’apprendre que Rockstar Games bestätigte in einer Frage-und-Antwort-Runde, dass der bislang noch PC-exklusive Rockstar Editor für GTA V im Sommer 2015 für PlayStation 4 und Xbox One erscheinen wird. Mit dem Editor könnt ihr eigene Videos aufzeichnen, diese bearbeiten .