If you want further proof that Grand Theft Auto V on PC is the definitive edition, then look no further than the 'Car Gun', a spectacular modification which takes gaming silliness to new heights. By modifying elements of the game itself, enthusiastic Grand Theft Auto V has offered modders heaps of opportunities to tinker about in Los Santos, creating everything from personalised licence plates to gravity guns to the ability to dress up as a cop and fight crime without getting a Wanted level. Now, Grand Theft Auto 5 is getting its own version of the iCEnhancer mod, as you can see on its official Facebook page. Two pre-alpha videos of the mod in progress, plus a Facebook post, detail some early effects, including improved water reflection The mission variety and outstanding soundtrack hold up much better overall Maybe less than a decade from now, we’ll be playing Grand Theft Auto V as a visual overlay on our wearable computers, committing realistic-looking virtual crimes while Grand Theft Auto V has finally come out for PC, which means the modding Pandora’s Box has been opened. One of the latest, silliest modder creations is a gun that shoots full-sized cars instead of bullets. The cars still have all the physics of a regular Rockstar has seemingly been laying down the banhammer on Grand Theft Auto V players, prohibiting them from playing the game’s multiplayer component GTA Online if they have installed mods, even if those mods were limited to the game’s single-player mode .
Grand Theft Auto V players claim they’re getting banned on PC right now, but why? Well, it’s complicated. Will I get banned? What for? Why? If Rockstar is only opposed to multiplayer mods that might ruin other people’s fun, why do these claims of The latest Grand Theft Auto V mod allows players to shoot cars instead of bullets. Yes, you read that correctly. The Vehicle Cannon Mod 1.0 lets you shoot cars onto the roads in varying ways, depending on the weapon you choose. A sniper rifle shoots a has started turning his eye towards Grand Theft Auto V. His first pass through on GTA5 has already been done and while the changes are small right now, the future for iCEnhancer and improving Grand Theft Auto V sounds grand indeed. It must be said that Grand Theft Auto 5's PC-only movie making feature, the Rockstar Editor, is coming to current-gen consoles. Rockstar dropped the news earlier today on its official blog, stating that while the tool requires more processing power than last-gen consoles can .